Sunday, September 22, 2013

Review #10: Benriach Heredotus Fumosis 12yr, 46%, OB 2009, Peated PX finish

time to catch up

after a mini heat wave and a project that needed to get (almost finished), I fell behind on my drinking, but now it's time to catch back up.

this is an older bottling of Heredotus Fumosis, but I think there are still some newer bottles in stores even though it's a 'limited edition'. I guess it's supposed to mean 'smoky sherry' but it is (a) a misnomer since it's whisky (b) I can't find "Heredotus" in any latin dictionary and it looks like Jerez was either "Ceret" or "Asta Regia", (c) why Latin? I do like Latin, however, and I'm glad for a moment that a silly and unpronounceable Gaelic name isn't being used for this one instance.

anyway ...

Nose is delightful -- the peat is intensely phenolic and biscuity, with some motor oil. A little (pleasant) boot rubber, too. The sherry comes through well -- it's sweet (caramel cubes) and winey with a lot of old cigar box and a little balsamico. Leather and malt. If you wait long enough, then some lesser flavors come through: yoghurt, sour apples, moss. The tannic notes become almost savory.

It's pretty light on the palate, with barbecue ashes as the main component, but it's balanced with some creamy vanilla sweetness. The ashes stick around for a long time.

So this worked pretty well, esp. for something with a low ABV, youngish, and cheap. It smells good and it's tasty and it's distinctive.

score: 84

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